MEDIATION is an independent, voluntary, confidential process conducted by a mediator, who is neutral. Attorneys are not required. The mediator will:
- Assist you and your spouse in identifying those issues preventing settlement.
- Explore various avenues to resolution.
- Develop a settlement resolution acceptable to you and your spouse.
- Will prepare a Separation Agreement for presentation to the Court. (Only mediators who are attorneys may draft Separation Agreements.)
The two of you will select the mediator. The mediator’s fees will usually be split between the two of you, however, the two of you may agree to a different responsibility for the fee.
The major benefits of Mediation are:
- The mediation is private.
- The mediator will provide all the time you and your spouse need to work on a resolution.
- Experienced mediators have settlement rates of between 85% and 97%.
- An attorney need not be present at mediation sessions.
In COLLABORATIVE DIVORCE, you, your spouse, your Collaborative lawyers and Coaches make up the Collaborative Team. The Team has one goal, the quick and efficient resolution of all issues without trial litigation.Coaches make your divorce process efficient and usually less expensive. The most common Coaches are the Facilitator and the Financial Neutral. The Facilitator expedites the process by helping you and your spouse identify term goals and overcome inter-personal roadblocks. The Financial Neutral expedites the process by analyzing the financial needs of your family, identifying tax provisions related to those needs and creating realistic plans to preserve family income and property. Coach hourly fees are often much lower than attorney hourly fees.
In Collaborative Divorce, attorneys are specially trained and certified.
Your Professional Collaborative Team will:
- Identify issues regarding the children, support and property division that are preventing resolution.
- Divide primary responsibility for resolving those issues. For example, issues dealing with the children will be addressed primarily by the Facilitator Coach; issues about the amount of support needed will be addressed by the Financial Coach.
- Have the required Separation Agreement, Petition for Divorce and Affidavit prepared, executed and filed.
- Have your attorneys accompany you to the Probate and Family Court for your divorce hearing before a Judge.
The major benefits of Collaborative Divorce are:
- From beginning to end, you are with and “supported” by a team dedicated to getting you and your spouse divorced quickly and efficiently.
- All issues are dealt with and resolved in confidential sessions.
- Your attorneys handle all the administrative court matters to get your divorce papers filed, docketed and scheduled for a hearing.
- At your divorce hearing your attorneys will respond to questions of the judge, thereby avoiding rescheduling of the hearing because you did not have an attorney to correctly answer questions.
by Anthony C. Adamopoulos