Premise liability occurs when injury is suffered on property belonging to another person or business. Whether it is the conditions of the land, or activities performed, issues often arise in determining fault. When personal injury occurs it is often the first response to assign causality for the accident, but it can be difficult to prove whether the fault is on the injured party or the owner of the property where the injury occurred – often times there is no clear answer. Using Alternative Dispute Resolution to reach an agreeable settlement in these types of cases is often the best choice for both parties.
Slip and fall accidents, in particular, are common occurrences. According to the National Safety Council, slip and fall accidents account for 1 million visits to the ER per year. While the repercussions of slip and fall accidents can vary from minor scrapes and bruises to serious injuries, the accidents often leave the victim in physical and/or emotional pain. If you are the victim of a slip and fall, or if you are the owner or resident of the location where the accident occurred, consider this: litigation is often not the best way to handle the incident. When brought to trial, slip and fall cases are highly uncertain and can result in a long, drawn-out process with an extremely unpredictable outcome. Often times, fault is shared and an accident is just that – an unfortunate accident. With litigation, both parties are subjected to a long, grueling and costly trial that can be avoided by instead utilizing ADR.
As the victim, you are experiencing pain and suffering, and yet during a trial you must prove that the property owner’s negligence caused the accident — not a simple or comfortable task, especially if you wish to preserve the relationship. As the property owner, you likely feel badly that someone was injured, and are just as anxious to resolve the issue. With Alternative Dispute Resolution, your case can be heard, and it can be resolved quickly and fairly, with an outcome agreeable to all parties. MDRS has skilled and knowledgeable neutrals, with a wide breadth of experience in premise liability and slip and fall cases. Contact us at (800) 536-5520. We’ll help you come to a settlement quickly, easily, and inexpensively.