Unlocking Answers through Dispute Resolution

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A Giant Leap Forward: Dispute Resolution Drops the ‘A’ and Launches MBA Section

“Over the past decades, no area of practice has grown to have a wider impact on legal operations than dispute resolution.” -Brian Jerome The numbers don’t lie: 95% of pending personal injury lawsuits end in a pretrial settlement (according to Law Dictionary’s website), while legal news site Above the Law reports that only 1.5% of…

MBA CLE Mediation Program

The Massachusetts Bar Association CLE Program, Shuttle Diplomacy: Winning Your Mediation During the Private Sessions, is “designed for both plaintiff and defense lawyers who regularly mediate or for those just getting into the game.” I am pleased to be a part of an experienced faculty team whose goal it is to help the continuing of…

ADR: Business Disputes Benefit from Mediation and Arbitration

ADR is often utilized in business disputes because it offers more than a cold-hard decision. Alternative Dispute Resolution services shine in the business industry because, more often than not, the underlying cause of a dispute is rooted in economic issues, not necessarily legal issues. ADR has been integrated into business disputes in various forms, including…