by Timothy J. LangellaMDRS Neutral and Guest Blogger Business disputes come in all shapes and sizes, and often have both monetary and emotional elements. Take this case, for example: Two brothers-in-law go into business together and form a partnership or closely held corporation, after marrying their respective wives (who are sisters). After a rocky start, the…
Dispute Resolution
Divorce Arbitration is the Way to Go! So……
by Anthony C. Adamopoulos A decision of our Appeals Court, Gravlin v. Gravlin, is helpful for those facing divorce. For collaborative divorce attorneys and divorce mediators, the decision confirms that arbitration is the viable alternative to court litigation for resolving a single issue or even taking the place of a full court trial. In Gravlin,…
MBA’s Conflict Resolution Week
By Michael A. Zeytoonian, Member of the MDRS Panel of Neutrals/Guest Blogger An annual national tradition in the legal community is the celebration of “Conflict Resolution Week” (CRW) and “Conflict Resolution Day” (CRD) on the third week and the third Thursday of October respectively. This tradition reportedly started here in New England by the New…
Dispute Resolution Day in Massachusetts
Governor Baker has declared October the 19th 2017 Dispute Resolution Day in Massachusetts! You can read Gov. Baker’s full announcement here: The day falls within Conflict Resolution Week and Baker urges all citizens of Massachusetts “to take cognizance of this event and participate fittingly in its observance.” Citizens deserve education and access to ALL appropriate forms of dispute resolution. October…
Celebrate Conflict Resolution Week October 16-22
In 2005, the Association for Conflict Resolution [ACR] designated the third Thursday in October as Conflict Resolution Day, and later, the American Bar Association [ABA] designated the third week of October as Mediation Week. Over the past decade, many states and other organizations have proclaimed days, weeks, and months in this honor, acknowledging the commendable and empowering…
A Giant Leap Forward: Dispute Resolution Drops the ‘A’ and Launches MBA Section
“Over the past decades, no area of practice has grown to have a wider impact on legal operations than dispute resolution.” -Brian Jerome The numbers don’t lie: 95% of pending personal injury lawsuits end in a pretrial settlement (according to Law Dictionary’s website), while legal news site Above the Law reports that only 1.5% of…
Collaborative Law, PEN Focus of MBA ADR Panel
by Attorney Michael A. Zeytoonian Most people who are in a dispute think about mediation or arbitration as alternatives to lawsuits and litigation. But there are several other process choices that people have for how to resolve their disputes. That critical choice of which process to use is often the most important choice people make…
Dispute Resolution Diffuses Explosive Situations
by Sheri Stevens Wilson The Islamic Society of Greater Worcester is seeking town approval to develop a Muslim cemetery on 55 acres it plans to purchase in Dudley, Massachusetts. The group seeks a local option where their burial customs could be followed, which sometimes include ‘green’ burial options, direct contact with the dead, very specific…