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What is the Difference Between Divorce Mediation and Collaborative Divorce?

MEDIATION is an independent, voluntary, confidential process conducted by a mediator, who is neutral. Attorneys are not required. The mediator will: Assist you and your spouse in identifying those issues preventing settlement. Explore various avenues to resolution. Develop a settlement resolution acceptable to you and your spouse. Will prepare a Separation Agreement for presentation to…

Stuck in Divorce Court? Here is Your Last Chance to Cut Costs and Aggravation

By Anthony C. Adamopoulos Are you in divorce litigation? Are you having second thoughts – time standards, discovery cost, no trial in sight? Enough! You have complained to your attorney and your attorney reports that your spouse’s attorney has heard the same complaints from your spouse. Your attorney suggests mediation or conciliation. What is the…

New Year’s (Dispute) Resolution

Not everyone likes to make resolutions for the new year. It can even be a matter of contention in some households: why should I bother; how can a symbolic date generate legitimate self-improvement? But while gym membership renewals and swearing off holiday cakes are commonly regarded as the right start to the new year, could…